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Access Vegas Insider Vibe – November 20, 2002
Welcome to Access Vegas News and Reviews! This is the official newsletter of AccessVegas.Com. We talk about the Las Vegas attractions, dining, and shows that you really care about.
If you receive this by mistake, please note the simple unsubscribe instructions at the bottom. Feel free to forward this newsletter to others. To subscribe, simply send a blank email to allvegastv@aol.com
Newkirk’s Notes – comments on Las Vegas from AccessVegas.Com publisher Ted Newkirk:
Hello from Las Vegas! It is a sunny 71 (F) today and that weather is supposed to hold through the weekend. Plenty off time to get over and enjoy a couple days sun and fun.
The message boards are starting to fill up with some really great posts and we thank you. Always takes a couple of months to get new boards cranking. As an added benefit, we are continuing to post press releases in the appropriate areas of the boards.
Bellagio Fountains Wallpaper and Screensaver – We keep adding great new things to our photo galleries (at no charge, of course). I know my frustration when looking for great photos online and it’s always nice to have cool photos on your screen when you aren’t using the computer.
Our latest addition is the Bellagio fountains wallpaper and screensaver. Choose from 11 stunning views to use as wallpaper and download the screensaver to enjoy them rotating on your screen. As an added bonus, this screensaver fits on a floppy disk and is perfect even for those who may not be Vegas fans but love waterscapes and spectacular fountains. Feel free to make copies for friends or send them directly to the photo galleries.
Reader Feedback
Frank Pepe from Connecticut wrote:
I have visited Las Vegas twelve times since 1997. Since I made my first trip (which I was not excited about) I fell in love with this place. Now five years later we are planning to move to Las Vegas in January of 2003.
Paul from Hermosa Beach, California wrote:
I love what you’re doing with the newsletter and the site. You are giving me what I want, and constantly adding new things that I want and didn’t even realize that I wanted. As a Southern Californian and self-admitted Vegas fanatic (I’ve been there exactly 51 times), as well as a Ph.D. who likes some substance and correct grammar in what I read, I am very satisfied with your work.
Thanks for the kind words! In my effort to get this out, we sometimes have a grammatical error but try to keep them to a minimum. More importantly, we are really proud of the things we continue to add. The message board is starting to pick up steam (they always take a few months), the new entertainment calendar makes it easier to map out the concerts and headliners, and the new photo gallery is the largest online for Las Vegas that we know of. And we still have a few tricks up our sleeve …
Thanks to Paul and everyone else for reading!
Angie Reid from the UK wrote:
Some friends and I are getting together over Christmas in Vegas, but one of the friends is coming from the UK, and was wondering about getting British travelers cheques and cashing them at a casino. Are there any problems or should she get US travelers cheques, and if she gets UK cheques will she get a better exchange rate like we poor lowly Canadians do at the casino cashiers?
OK readers … I know that most casinos will exchange money but I live her so I’m not the expert. What are your experiences? Where did you find the better rates, and what kind of checks did you buy?
Because of limited newsletter space, please post your comments to our message boards in our Travel Questions/Trip Suggestions – Xchanging Money area. Angie will thank you, I thank you in advance, and we will note the highlights in a couple weeks so that others can read and enjoy your help!
Message Board Member “mizzya1” wrote:
For those of you who just can’t seem to go home with any of the casino’s money — or your own — after several days of battling the video poker:á here’s a hint. Set goals for each session, reach them and walk around for a few hours, then play again if you’d like. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people tell me that they wished they had quit when they were ahead.
That is some fantastic advice, and we’d love to hear from you about your gambling experiences. What games do you like to play? Do you have any techniques that you feel help you win, or ways to watch your money so you can be a winner, but not lose too much? Or did you play and play and play and never, ever see any luck on one trip? We need to hear both the good and bad and you can give us your inside scoop in our Message Boards Gambling Forum.
Becky Papke of Woodruff, WI wrote:
Is it possible to also put some details regarding the current monorail system. I know in previous it ran from Bellagio to New York/New York and thought there were plans to expand it along the strip. Or if there is information on your website – let me know where to look. Thanks for your help.
There is some confusion on this issue so let’s clear it up. Presently, free trams/monorails run between:
- Excalibur to Mandalay Bay via Luxor
- Bally’s to MGM Grand
- Bellagio to Monto Carlo
- Mirage to Treasure Island
The current Strip monorail under construction will run from the MGM to Sahara with stops along The Strip as well as the Las Vegas Convention Center. Completion is scheduled for early 2004, and work is very much underway on the entire stretch of track. Right now, it is operational between MGM and Bally’s and you can ride for free.
Kathy from Michigan wrote:
Just spent 5 nights at Excalibur and it was a pleasant surprise. The rooms were clean and had the basics. We got some pretty good rates too. The biggest surprise was that everyone (employees) we had contact with was extremely helpful and gracious, which is certainly not the case everywhere!
Message Board Member “NYCool” wrote:
I had a terrific trip last week that was highlighted by two great nights at The Orleans and Gold Coast. I usually stay on the strip at higher end properties (Caesars, Bellagio, Venetian…depending on whether its biz or pleasure) but always do my serious gambling off-strip.
I dragged several friends to the Orleans and they loved it. Not surprisingly, they all won. None of them won anything at their respective hotels and were amazed at how nice these off-strip properties were.
Gold Coast looks gorgeous, BTW. They really spruced up the place.
There is a lot to be said for the “Near Strip” and “Off Strip” casinos. Many regular visitors make it a point to hit their favorites, party with the local’s and take advantage of the better odds. If that describes you, tell us all about your favorite local’s casinos in our Off-Strip and “Local’s Forums!
“Pmccarthy5064” wrote:
In your recent news letter I was given an opportunity to vote on what I though was the best hotel downtown. However, all the casino’s were not listed. I knew before even looking at the voting results that the Golden Nugget would be far and away voted the best Casino. I realize that people want a little luxury when visiting Las Vegas and the Golden Nugget is best at providing that. However, for your best chance of winning money my choice would have to be the El Cortez.
Our poll gives us 10 slots. We on the staff have to decide the top ten to get voted on, and past that it is all reader’s input. While the El Cortez has loose slots, cheap food, and a recent remodel, we knew people would be the least familiar with it.
For what is it worth, I drop by the El Cortez and have a couple of beers and play some craps every few months. It is somewhat of a best kept secret. We do certainly have it and the rest of the downtown casinos mapped on our Las Vegas Hotels Downtown Fremont St. Experience page.
See you on the boards!
Live From Las Vegas,
Ted Newkirk
Senior Content Editor
For comments or questions regarding Las Vegas, our content, or this newsletter please post to our message boards so that others may read and help or write us a “letter to the editor” at allvegastv@aol.com. Include your city — we have readers worldwide!Registering for the boards is free and simple. Plus, it has a side benefit: When you return, you can click one place and get a customized list of all new threads, posts, and news releases right at your fingertips. We don’t put you on a list or send you unwanted info. Simply go to the boards and click on the “Register” button on the upper right hand side.
New to the list? Click Here for back issues and subscription info. Don’t hesitate to forward this newsletter to friends and associates, or better yet recommend it to friends with a chance to win $10,000! Click Here To Win
All contents copyright 2002 Ted Newkirk. All Rights Reserved.
November 20, 2002 ISSN: 1529-2770
We are “reprint friendly” to other websites and newsletters — please do ask if you would like to use our news, reviews, or contents from our websites. All material in this message is protected by US Federal Copyright law. All Rights Reserved.
Access Vegas Insider Vibe – November 13, 2002
Welcome to Access Vegas News and Reviews! This is the official newsletter of AccessVegas.Com. We talk about the Las Vegas attractions, dining, and shows that YOU really care about.
If you receive this by mistake, please note the simple unsubscribe instructions at the bottom. Feel free to forward this newsletter to others. To subscribe, simply send a blank email to allvegastv@aol.com
Newkirk’s Notes – comments on Las Vegas from AccessVegas.Com publisher Ted Newkirk:
Hello from Las Vegas! No newsletter last week — I was a little under the weather but happy to report doing fine. Ton of reader feedback will wait until next week. However, that didn’t stop us from adding great new features and this week we are proud to announce our new photo gallery. Plus, I guested on AM Springfield radio this morning so things are going nuts. Weather is still great, room rates are way down. Great to be in Las Vegas!
Las Vegas News: Of Interest To Tourists
Over 1,000 Las Vegas Photos Gallery – We are excited to announce our new Access Vegas Photo Gallery with over 1,000 Las Vegas photos! This is state-of-the-art with photos divided by category, and quick-loading thumbnail photo previews to save you time and let you see exactly what you want.
In addition, we have a hot new “Favorites” feature: If you like a photo, simply click the “Favorites” box below it. This saves it, and when you want to view all your favorites, click the top main “Favorites” button. From there, you can view them slideshow style, email them to a friend, or even download them as a zip file all at once!
We aren’t going to be greedy, either. If you have a Las Vegas page or site, feel free to post up to 25 of them on your pages. The only rules are 1. You don’t alter, crop or remove our name from them,á and 2. Put a link somewhere that says “Photos Courtesy Access Vegas” and links to http://www.accessvegas.com
Megabucks Jackpot Over $19,000,000, Play Smart – Nevada progressive slot Megabucks is well over $19 million dollars. Important warning: Play three coins in or you are screwing yourself. I can’t believe how many times I see people playing only one or two credits on a Megabucks machine. The big jackpot is only available with full coins (three dollars) in play. The machine makes this clear, but many play without looking.
New Web Poll – Vote for our November question “What is the best Las Vegas Downtown hotel?” in the poll on our main page AccessVegas.Com
R.I.P. National Airlines – Las Vegas’ hometown airline had to pack it in last week, a victim of high fuel prices soon after they launched and the post 9/11/01 tourism downturn. If you are still holding a National ticket, you can find details regarding refund possibilities or use on another air carrier at the National website. To help fill the gap, Jet Blue has accelerated plans for the New York – Las Vegas market.
Flying Getting Easier – If you have stayed out of the air since 9/11/01 or even have not flown since all the new security rules have been decided on, this article has some great advice on getting yourself through security quickly and hassle free: US unveils plan to reduce airport security delays
Zagat Top 10 – Congratulations to two Las Vegas hotels for making the Zagat survey’s 2003 Top 10 U.S. resorts: Four Seasons Las Vegas came in at #4 and Bellagio Las Vegas came in at #8.
Cash Blast at Imperial Palace – The Imperial Money Machine will be “blasting” money at 3:30 p.m. every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in November and December. Five lucky customers will be drawn at random and have two minutes to get to the Kabuki Lounge and one minute to “grab” their share of over $3,000 in cash! To qualify all you have to do is “stay” or “play” at the Imperial Palace. Click For Details
Wolfgang Puck Book Signing and Dinner – Wolfgang Puck will be available to autograph his new book Live, Love, Eat: The Best of Wolfgang Puck in the Wolfgang Puck CafÚ at the MGM Grand on December 5, 2002. You can get an autograph or participate in a special dinner as well. Click For Details, Click For Book Info
Cocktail Waitress Photo Contest – A little advance notice so you can get involved in this. In January, we’ll celebrate the official launch of our photo gallery (yes, we still have much to add to it) with a Las Vegas cocktail waitress photo contest. There will be cash and other Las Vegas prizes to the winning photographers. The contest will run over a number of months, but many visit only once a year so we wanted to let you get started!
Some advice: Photos can be posed or candid, and obviously many of the outfits are sexy, but let’s show a little respect. Good rule of thumb: their head should be in the shot. No butt-only close-ups, guys. Also, different casinos have different rules on photos but generally you can’t shoot into “the pit” (live gaming area). Slot area usually OK unless you are going nuts taking tons of flash photos.
Many waitresses are very friendly and not at all camera shy. If you ask and it isn’t a super busy time, you might be surprised at how many will pose for a shot or two! And it is perfectly acceptable to honestly tell them “I just wanted to show my friends back in (your town here) how truly pretty Las Vegas waitresses are.” Complete contest details in late January. Start shooting!
AM Springfield – We had a great time this morning (even though it was 5 AM Las Vegas time) with Sam Madonia and the guys of AM Springfield on Sports Radio 1450 AM in Springfield, the capital of Illinois. The show was broadcast live from the sportsbook at the Imperial Palace.
They brought out two planeloads of people to Las Vegas and were having more fun than should be allowed! They actually had a live band playing in the sportsbook, and plenty of listeners enjoying the festivities. Plus, Sam is funny as they come. I was watching/listening to the show before my slot and he had my rolling with laughter.
We always love to talk Las Vegas, but also appreciated the opportunity to warm up for a planned media blitz early spring that will promote our continuingá AccessVegas.Com expansion. Also, thanks to Amy from Vegas Du Soleil for helping arrange the guest spot.
Subscription “Dues” – This newsletter is absolutely free! We enjoy bringing you great Las Vegas information. If you enjoy our newsletter, we ask two small things: Consider booking your hotels, shows,á tours, and golf through AccessVegas.Com or the links in this newsletter. We have great rates and fantastic selection in every category. Also, turn your friends on to Las Vegas by suggesting they subscribe. They’ll thank you and we thank you.
Featured Review: Dice Angel
Dice Angel by Brian Rouff – We seldom review books because most Las Vegas books are a little too “insider” (only of interest to someone who knows the life story on the town’s key players) or “mathematical” (how to win at blackjack). I can’t even chow through more than a couple chapters at a time with many of them.So when I found a Vegas book that I literally could not put down, I had to tell you about it. Dice Angel is the (fictional) story of Las Vegas bar owner Jimmy Delaney and he’s got problems. With his ex-wife, the IRS, his bar getting robbed, and an embezzling accountant who happens to be part of his family. He’s not a model citizen but a hell of a likable guy. | ![]() |
The cool thing about his book is that both locals and visitors can relate to it. You don’t feel like an outsider reading it because this could be a guy in Cleveland or Atlanta. But what makes it extra fun is that the backdrop is Las Vegas. Who is Armaris, what happened to the accountant, and what is it like to gamble high stakes at craps? You’ve gotta read to find out!
I read it cover to cover in one sitting. The story was captivating, and a true picture of the quirks of life in Las Vegas, but written in a way that will entertain everybody. It is unfortunate that the characters are fiction. It made me want to drive over to Sahara and Jones (location of the fictional bar), look for Jimmy D’s, play a roll of video poker, and order a burger.
Read this on the plane trip here and you’ll not only be landing before you know it, but be revved up to take fresh look at everything you are going to do and see. Dice Angel is available at Amazon.Com (click) for a reasonable $14.95.
Featured Tour: Sky Dive in Las Vegas
Sky Dive in Las Vegas – Our airplane will take you all the way up to 8,000′ feet above sea level for your exit. The first tandem includes pre-jump explanation, demonstrations, video training, practice, rehearsal, & all of the how’s & why’s of what will happen and what to expect (available in Japanese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Chinese). The training lasts about 30-40 minutes, and you will be here a total of about 2 hours complete for your first jump.
Additional Tours Including Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon, City, Scenic, National Parks, and Adventure |
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Featured Golf Course: Angel Park
Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Scenic Southwest Tours – by plane, bus, or even helicopter! You’ve seen the glossy ads in the tourist brochures. You’ve thought about it. You come all the way to Las Vegas — why not see one of the some of the most famous landmarks in the world! Don’t by tricked by web sites & magazines that offer discount tours. Taxes, park fees, permits can almost double the price. Our prices are inclusive – no hidden charges! Best Las Vegas Tours
For comments or questions regarding Las Vegas, our content, or this newsletter please post to our message boards so that others may read and help or write us a “letter to the editor” at allvegastv@aol.com. We do certainly read them all and they help shape our content.
See you on the boards!
Live From Las Vegas,
Ted Newkirk
Senior Content Editor
New to the list? Click Here for back issues and subscription info. Don’t hesitate to forward this newsletter to friends and associates, or better yet recommend it to friends with a chance to win $10,000! Click Here To Win
All contents copyright 2002 Ted Newkirk. All Rights Reserved.
November 13, 2002 ISSN: 1529-2770
Access Vegas Insider Vibe – October 30, 2002
Welcome to Access Vegas News and Reviews! This is the official newsletter of AccessVegas.Com. We talk about the Las Vegas attractions, dining, and shows that YOU really care about.
If you receive this by mistake, please note the simple unsubscribe instructions at the bottom. Feel free to forward this newsletter to others. To subscribe, simply send a blank email to allvegastv@aol.com
Newkirk’s Notes – comments on Las Vegas from AccessVegas.Com publisher Ted Newkirk:
Hello from Las Vegas! My apologies for the weather over the weekend. Last week I talked about the 85 (F) and sunny we had for most of October. Wouldn’t you know it — the very next day highs plummeted to the low 70’s and it rained overnight both weekend nights (although pleasant during the day). Today is a chilly 72 so I guess fall will be banging on the door in a few more weeks.
Someone wrote a recent letter to the editor of the Review-Journal (our morning paper) criticizing Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman’s endorsement of Bombay Sapphire gin. The $100,000 endorsement fee is going to charity.á The writer noted that he moved to Las Vegas from the east coast 10 years ago. I’m hoping he leaves soon. If you are thinking about moving to Las Vegas, move to Las Vegas. Accept Las Vegas. If the way we do things here isn’t your cup of tea, please move elsewhere!
Las Vegas News: Of Interest To Tourists
Floridian Nets $10,000 At Riviera – In town to attend the marriage of their niece at the Riviera Hotel and Casino’s wedding chapel, Mike and Elizabeth McGowen were dancing when their slot machine hit a $10,000 jackpot. The Clearwater couple was very, very happy to say the least. Mike, a retired policeman, stated, “we have no plans at the moment. Maybe a trip back to the Riviera to celebrate our niece’s marriage would be nice.”
Splash Welcomes Bronze Medallist – Splash at the Riviera Hotel & Casino welcomed back to the ice 1998 American Open Figure Skating Pro Championship Bronze Medallist Mikhail Panin with a new partner international skating champion Margarita Barber. With his new partner Barber, Panin now once again performing a breathtaking ice ballet with Barber – an enchanting ice dance of spirals and spins – as well as an acrobatic adagio routine that is leaving audiences sitting on the edge of their seats. Click here for full story.
New Year’s Eve – We have lots of new readers and everyone is curious about what the party capital of the world does for New Year’s Eve. I could tell you, but we have over 100 photos and streaming video from the last two years online for you at no charge. Go check out New Year’s Eve Las Vegas!
Coinless Slots – A major agreement has been reached for MGM/Mirage to convert to coinless ticket in-ticket out technology. Are you going to miss the “plunk, plunk, plunk” of coins hitting the tray, or do you like cashing out with a ticket you can use in another machine? We’ve posted the full story in our forums so you can read it and share your thoughts!
Jillian’s – has opened downtown at Neonopolis on the Fremont. St. Experience. A recent Friday visit showed a lively venue that is a lot of fun! Imagine a two story, upscale arcade, sports bar, lounge, and bowling ally and you have Jillian’s.
Construction Updates – Steve Wynn is scheduled to break ground Thursday October 31 on his new megaresort La Reve. Ground has been broken on the Hoover Dam bypass road and bridge. I can hear a big cheer for our friends who drive in from Arizona, New Mexico and points Southeast of Las Vegas. It won’t be done until 2007 but will cut serious time off of the trip when finished.
Phase 1 of the billion dollar Fashion Show Mall (just north of Treasure Island) is complete, introducing Nordstrom and Bloomingdale’s Home to this area among the other well known department stores already part of the mall. We’ll keep you up on these projects as they progress.
Shopping – Speaking of shopping, we have just updated and expanded our Las Vegas Shopping Guide.
Subscription “Dues” – This newsletter is absolutely free! We enjoy bringing you great Las Vegas information. If you enjoy our newsletter, we ask two small things: Consider booking your hotels, shows,á tours, and golf through AccessVegas.Com or the links in this newsletter. We have great rates and fantastic selection in every category. Also, turn your friends on to Las Vegas by suggesting they subscribe. They’ll thank you and we thank you.
Rental Cars – Don’t pay top dollar! Enter the dates of your visit and compare prices from virtually every major rental car agency (most US cities). Book the lowest price company or your regular agency. Save the hassle and some money – Car Rental Savings Search. Few regret renting a car. Free shuttles and city bus rides can be slow and smelly. Taxis can cost what a rental car costs. Your vacation time is valuable — make the most out of it!
Restaurant Review: Alize
Top of the Palms Casino Resort
By Chef John Guinivere – ChefLive.Com
Well folksà I now have a new favorite restaurant here in Las Vegas and I can gladly recommend it. This new restaurant is a chefÆs dream! It sits on the top of a beautiful hotel and has one of the best views in the entire city. The dining room has very high ceilings, which lets in even more for the eyes to see. The interior, from tables, chairs and carpet are all wonderful together. They could serve burgers and beer and you would thoroughly enjoy your visit. But they donÆt server burgers; they serve some of the best food in town!
Click Here To Read The Rest Of This Review |
Featured Tour: Hummer Desert Exploration
Hummer Desert Exploration Tour – The mysterious Desert…only minutes from the Strip… rough terrain and dry crushing heat destroys anything not especially equipped to be there. But you are in the most powerful, safest off road vehicle ever built … HUMMER! Keep cameras ready — we may encounter Big Horn sheep, wild Burros, mustangs and even the elusive Kit Fox. This is a three hour adventure, morning and afternoon departures available.
Additional Tours Including Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon, City, Scenic, National Parks, and Adventure |
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Featured Golf Course: Man O’ War
For comments or questions regarding Las Vegas, our content, or this newsletter please post to our message boards so that others may read and help or write us a “letter to the editor” at allvegastv@aol.com. We do certainly read them all and they help shape our content.
See you on the boards!
Live From Las Vegas,
Ted Newkirk
Senior Content Editor
New to the list? Click Here for back issues and subscription info. Don’t hesitate to forward this newsletter to friends and associates, or better yet recommend it to friends with a chance to win $10,000! Click Here To Win
All contents copyright 2002 Ted Newkirk. All Rights Reserved.
October 30, 2002 ISSN: 1529-2770
Access Vegas Insider Vibe – October 16, 2002
Welcome to Access Vegas News and Reviews! This is the official newsletter of AccessVegas.Com. We talk about the Las Vegas attractions, dining, and shows that YOU really care about.
If you receive this by mistake, please note the simple unsubscribe instructions at the bottom. Feel free to forward this newsletter to others. To subscribe, simply send a blank email to allvegastv@aol.com
Newkirk’s Notes – comments on Las Vegas from AccessVegas.Com publisher Ted Newkirk:
Hello from Las Vegas! It has been a busy week, seeing David Copperfield, Frank Sinatra, Jr., a Sunday trip out to Hoover Dam and Monday Night Football at the Hard Rock. Sinatra was fantastic, our Copperfield and Hard Rock football reviews are in this issue.
The weather has been stunning with highs in the mid-80’s and cool evenings that don’t get cold. I put the Rams/Raiders game on the car radio (my Raiders finally suffered a loss), put on the sun glasses, put down the car windows, and headed out to Hoover Dam on Sunday. Although a security checkpoint for cars, they wave most people through and the lack of truck traffic has made it easier and quicker to get to the dam. We’ll have that story soon.
We’ll be mentioning the Las Vegas Calendars for charity every couple of weeks until the end of the year. No excuses — these quality big photo calendars are only $5 including shipping with proceeds going to a great cause. We will not rest until every reader gets one!
Las Vegas News: Of Interest To Tourists
Hard Rock Football – The Joint at the Hard Rock was truly rocking this past Monday night for the Seahawks/49’ers game! Outside of the various parties held at local strip clubs, this is possibly the sexiest Monday Night Football (MNF) party in town. This is probably also your cheapest chance to check out the venue that has hosted The Stones, The Who, The Eagles and a laundry list of classic and modern rock shows.
Admission is free, and three huge screens show the game with the Michaels/Madden commentary and sound played over the concert quality sound system. Music is played during the commercials with scantily clad go-go girls dancing throughout the venue. Appetizers are available ($3-6) along with $1.50 Bud or Bud Light drafts to wash them down.
The event is always sponsored by a local radio station and not only draws plenty of locals, but a surprising number of women for a MNF event. While the Hard Rock is the place to see and be seen, this is serious football with plenty of loud cheering for both sides. Remember that MNF starts at 6 PM Pacific Time.
Club Rubber Halloween Costume Ball – Club Rubber and the N9NE Group presents a wicked party for the over 21 crowd. Costumes are mandatory.
- Where: Rain in the Desert at the Palms
- When: Oct. 31 at 9 p.m.
- How Much: $25 (Women) $30 (Men)
Halloween Bingo Bash – Palms Casino Resort will host a special Halloween Bingo Bash on October 31 including cash giveaways.
Screamers Haunted House – is in the fourth year in operation. Designed and built by some of Las Vegas’ top scenic designers and illusion builders for the big shows here in town. Click for details on this fun magic-based fright experience!
Best Magic Show – You still have time to vote for your favorite Las Vegas magician in our “Best Of’ poll. Simply head to the main page of AccessVegas.Com and vote. For those wondering the ommission of a deserving David Copperfield (who spends about half the year playing Las Vegas), this time around we only included magicians who regularly headline their own show here year around.
Sexiest Ladies Night – in Las Vegas is advertised at Wednesday nights at Venus at The Venetian. Ladies drink from 11 PM -1 AM. Click for more details.
Showroom Cancer Survivor – Our friend Larry G. Jones with the great free show at Fitzgerald’s recently got a nice write-up in the local paper regarding his show and earlier battle with cancer.
Subscription “Dues” – This newsletter is absolutely free! We enjoy bringing you great Las Vegas information. If you enjoy our newsletter, we ask two small things: Consider booking your hotels, shows,á tours, and golf through AccessVegas.Com or the links in this newsletter. We have great rates and fantastic selection in every category. Also, turn your friends on to Las Vegas by suggesting they subscribe. They’ll thank you and we thank you.
Show Review: David Copperfield – Portal
Note: David Copperfield just finished a brief run at the MGM but returns at the end of the month to play Oct 31. – Nov. 6 and again Dec. 24 – Jan. 1. Due to the popularity of this show and high ticket demand, you may wish to reserve your seats as far in advance as possible.
I’d like to call David Copperfield a living legend. If you are old enough to gamble you have seen him do everything from walk through the Great Wall of China to make the Statue of Liberty vanish on his famous television specials. However, I won’t. “Living Legend” sometimes connotes a a respected performer, past their prime, churning it out for the buck. Mr. Copperfield is still very much at the top of his game.
He’s either a great actor or still loves what he is doing (probably a bit of both) because from the minute he hits the stage, he’s having fun and that makes you want to like him. He could be a nobody just starting out and you would like him. But he gets right into it with an illusion that has him floating upwards through a plate of steel.
Click Here To Read The Rest Of This Review
Show Review Criteria: We understand that Las Vegas attracts visitors of varied budgets and interests. Shows are reviewed on the basis of value for dollar spent as well as to present the reader enough knowledge of the content to make an informed decision.
Featured Tour: Red Rock Canyon
Red Rock Canyon Tour by Bus – Just minutes away from the Las Vegas Strip lies Red Rock Canyon – one of the Mojave Desert’s most beautiful outdoor areas. The tour takes visitors into Spring Mountain State Park, a working ranch nestled at the base of the dramatic Wilson Cliffs that was once owned by eccentric millionaire Howard Hughes. The trip continues to the Red Rock Canyon National Recreation area with a stop at the visitor center followed by a leisurely lap around the 13-mile scenic loop.
Additional Tours Including Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon, City, Scenic, National Parks, and Adventure |
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Featured Golf Course: Royal Links
For comments or questions regarding Las Vegas, our content, or this newsletter please post to our message boards so that others may read and comment or write us a “letter to the editor” at allvegastv@aol.com. We do certainly read them all and they help shape our content.
Ted Newkirk
New to the list? Click Here for back issues and subscription info.
Don’t hesitate to forward this newsletter to friends and associates, or better yet recommend it to friends with a chance to win $10,000! Click Here To Win
All contents copyright 2002 Ted Newkirk. All Rights Reserved.
October 16, 2002 ISSN: 1529-2770
Las Vegas Gambling Tips
Visit World Famous Gaming Writer Victor H. Royer’s
Casino Gambling Articles