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Access Vegas Insider Vibe April 5, 2020
Hello From Las Vegas – Well… we had a slight seismic movement in the “when will Las Vegas open” question, which we’ll dive into. However, we’ll still be easing back to “business as normal” reporting starting next issue. As, we already know many are booking. And I mean in a number of weeks.
I’m going to be a little more reserved this time. While many were appreciative of me crunching all of the data, working with my “industry” knowledge and such, I was lambasted by some for suggesting that Las Vegas wouldn’t be shut down for months. Like I was going to be personally responsible for killing millions!
So, let’s just get this out there. I’m an industry analyst. I’ve had a front-row seat to this industry for well over 20 years. Through 9/11. Through the financial and housing crisis of the 2000’s. I don’t disseminate “wishful thinking”. I crunch facts and numbers.
For example, when other “experts'” were claiming that the pre-recession hotel boom was going to be the next phase of Vegas, I’m on record as saying that Echelon Place (former Stardust) project just didn’t pan out in my estimation. Not as a hater. Not because I wanted the project to fail. Simply because I didn’t see it working out. It didn’t. A decade later, the initial bones of the project are are now becoming Resorts World.
So, let’s get a couple of things out there:
1. I toss all of my knowledge, sources, data and similar into the blender (my brain), and do the best I can to tell you what things look like moving forward. If I owned a crystal ball, I’d spend all my time at the sports books, cleaning up on sports bets. Even if (for now), those bets were on Korean ping-pong and Russian soccer!
2. If you don’t like what I have to say, talk to somebody that can do something about it. If you feel it is WRONG that Las Vegas will be open in a matter of weeks (barring something completely unforeseen), write our governor. That is his decision.
My J-O-B and obligation to the Supporting (Paid) Members who help myself and my professional, PAID staff with a “cup of coffee” each month (less than $3 a month, paid yearly), is to help them navigate whatever is going on in Vegas. Resort fees to high? Save that money back through our (not found elsewhere on the internet) food/beverage exclusive specials membership section, or through maximizing your comps, or through hitting the best-kept-secrets and avoiding the time-wasters.
For now, that is all about letting people who are considering booking (given the cheap rooms and airfare) the best advice on when things will be open, how much will be open, and what to expect. And, we’re going to jump into that right now!
When Will Vegas Open? – The original optimistic date — and a date many resorts were booking — was April 17. THEN… came a couple of things. 1. The White House gave new suggested guidelines of “stay-at-home” through May 1 and 2. What looks like a pretty good model for the State of Nevada suggested that infections would peak around April 22. The “good” news? We have enough hospital beds to handle the peak. That means for US. Not the rest of you. And, there is obviously no way you should visit during the peak of anything bad.
For now, the hotels are taking reservations starting May 1. Perhaps a bit optimistic, but not 100% out-of-the-question. I’d peg a best guesstimate on Friday May 15th, which will have provided a three week buffer from the peak (numbers are then expected to start to fall pretty good after the peak), this is an extra two weeks from May 1, and it falls on a Friday.
HOWEVER… this will be a very soft opening. I’ll get into how much will be open and how soon:
If Nobody Can Fly, Who Visits? – Very simple: The populations of California, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico is over 50 million people. Virtually all of which are within a 12 hour drive, and for the majority (based on population centers), it is 8 hours of less.
That will get Las Vegas going again. Past that, it will be up to each individual to decide if and when they want to jump on a plane. I’ve heard thoughts that airlines have either started (or are looking to possibly) keep middle seats empty. Once we get over the mask shortage, I’m sure many/most people who are traveling or venturing out and about quite a bit may choose to wear one.
We’re All Going To Die (Social Distancing) – “But, everybody will go to Las Vegas and breath on each other, and get everybody sick, and millions will die, and you are a horrible, irresponsible person”. Because, I’m sure there are a few who skipped right over the first few paragraphs of this missive.
The hotel casinos WILL be practicing social distancing. They already were prior to the mandated shut-down. They have a blueprint from casinos in the Asian gambling capital of Macau, where casinos have reopened.
On top of that, let’s just do some easy math: Las Vegas is built to easily hold 300,000 visitors. That number spikes even higher on Memorial Day, Labor Day, and New Years Eve. Even if we manage 60,000 visitors at any given time during the first few weeks (and, that may be optimistic), that is the very definition of social distancing!
Think about the typical 15,000 seat sports/concert arena most of us have been inside. Then, put only 3000 people in there. It will look nearly empty, and social distancing won’t be a problem.
Let’s get into specifics:
– Casino floors will most likely have every other machine turned off. Blackjack tables will be limited to three players, not six or seven. Similar with each end of a craps table.
– Buffets will most likely simply remain closed. If and when they open (and, this may be an excuse for some hotels who don’t do a good or profitable buffet business to close theirs), you can expect servers ladling the food to your plate.
– Restaurants will stagger seating, keeping parties of people apart from each other. Which, won’t exactly be a problem. See my arena example.
– Shows won’t all simply open up ASAP. If you are only going to fill up 20% of the room, and/or if you have to seat people in a way that practices social distancing, that simply may not be profitable.
I’m not suggesting there will be NO shows. Some of the smaller shows, especially like comedy magicians and hypnotists and similar, which have a small cast, and low overhead, may find it feasible to play to 20 or 30 people. And, many of these types of shows are in makeshift venues where they can simply remove chairs and spread out the seating.
It’s not Cirque or David Copperfield, but if one of these guys played most of your home towns, it would be considered a big deal, and they often put on a solid show. If they can last in Las Vegas, they must be pretty decent!
– Clubs? Don’t even think about it. Besides the obvious factor that going to a club is all about being part of a crowd, the club scene has been quietly diminishing for a while now. Just because of social distancing, this category could be down for quite a while.
– Pools are outdoors, and once again, with 400 people in a pool area meant for 2000 (just to use round numbers), I expect these to be available.
Last Call – We’re still running our “20% Off In 2020” Coupon Code ACCESS2020 to become a Supporting (Paid) Member. (You are currently a free subscriber, and not entitled to all of the private member benefits). This is for a full 365 days of membership, not just membership through the end of this year. If you missed the details, do a search of your inbox/spam/trash folder for ted@accessvegas.com for my last email for full info.
HOWEVER, this offer ENDS the day that Nevada’s Governor announced the firm reopening date for the casino industry. Note: I didn’t say until the day things actually reopen. I mean the minute that the governor steps up to the podium to announce the date.
Head on over to www.Join.Vegas to find out more. Scroll down to one of the Make Me An Insider buttons, use Coupon Code ACCESS2020, and don’t be left out. As more people migrate over there (and they are every week, even right now during the shut-down), we’ll actually be looking into ending the Free Subscriber version you are reading now.
Hardship Exception! – IF you are someone getting hit economically right now, and would love to take advantage but simply can’t because you are out-of-work, waiting for your company to get their SBA loan, waiting for your unemployment benefits, waiting the the government check, and similar… Have no fear! I get it. There is a whole lot of revenue streams of ours which are temporarily interrupted.
Let’s do this (if the above applies to you): Drop my awesome Customer Service helper Jessa an email at
Subject Line: CV Delay
Just a very quick note about how your job or business is shut down (or taking a financial hit). She will
1. Get back to you with a special 20% off promo code which will remain valid just for our friends like you and
2. In 2-3 months (depending on how soon everything starts to get back to normal), she’ll drop you a quick reminder note. Your email will NOT be used for any other purpose and the list she keeps will be discarded once this is over.
Stay safe, everyone. We’ll be open when you are ready to travel.
Hope you are enjoying this issue!
Ted Newkirk
Founder/Managing Editor
When Las Vegas Strip headliner Mat Franco performed what he called “Magic Reinvented … At Home” on Facebook Live on Wednesday, it immediately became clear that both he and his fans were getting what they needed.
It was about 10 months ago that Jennifer Higgins and Megan Wilkes introduced their baby to the city that inspired it. “May 10 was Vegas Uncork’d,” recalls Higgins who, along with Wilkes, conceived of, created and owns the Summerlin-based Vegas Baby Vodka.
- Sahara Las Vegas Unveils New Plans For Property On Las Vegas Strip
- Drew Las Vegas On Hold, Other Construction Continues Amid Virus’ Spread
Note From Ted:
Members Mania is a regular feature for our Supporting (Paid) Members. Membership includes our “Your Guy In Vegas” feature, where you can reach out to myself and our paid staff of experts with your specific Vegas questions. We don’t have “canned” answers. We’ll ask you for some details pertaining you your wants and needs. Then, answer accordingly.
Upon further conversation, Keith was asking because he is taking his daughter here for her 21st birthday. Based on our advice to him (which is noted below), he elected to push the “father/daughter” trip out a bit. However, he still may come himself if we’re up-and-running by his original dates!
Imagine that: He tosses us a “cup of coffee per month, and we’re able to help him salvage and make the most of a pending “special trip”! Which is PRICELESS:
I have a trip to Las Vegas planned for May 21-24, 2020. I know we are all in in middle of covid-19 hell right now but that’s still almost two months away.
Anyway, in preparation for my trip I went on Open Table recently and made a reservation for dinner at one of my favorite Las Vegas restaurants – Batista’s Hole In The Wall. Today, I was contacted by Open Table saying that Batista’s canceled my reservation for May 22nd. Did I miss something? How does Batista’s know whats going to be going on in late May? Or is this is temporary thing, a precaution, and they might actually be open come May 22nd?
I just thought it was a little premature to cancel this early. Thanks!
Keith L.
Supporting (Paid) Member
Ted Responds:
Excellent questions!
I’d say the odds of being able to make the trip are in your favor. I’d say the odds of any trip Memorial Day or after are really, really high.
Love Batista’s. Hidden gem at reasonable prices similar to the adjacent (more or less) Stage Door and Ellis Island.
Just a precaution. The hotels can eat the costs of bookings and cancellations and the paperwork (even if it is digital) and similar. For a small restaurant, it can be more trouble than it is worth.
ALSO, Las Vegas will NOT be remotely full by then. Batista’s may or may not even have reopened, even if the hotels are open for business.
As you may know, one of our Special Reports is about using Open Table to snag reservations, even if you are planning to eat somewhere within the hour. Being locked into their system beats showing up and getting put on a list and waiting.
So, kudos for planning ahead! This is actually one time it may not yet be needed.
Thanks for the support!
We have answers to your Vegas questions!
But, you have to ask the questions.
Email us at AccessVegas@AccessVegas.com, and let us know, what YOU want to know!
As beacons of hope for the city during this time of uncertainty, Caesars Entertainment illuminates the exteriors of several iconic Las Vegas Strip resorts with light displays nightly through April 5.
- MSG Sphere Begins to Take its Place on the Las Vegas Strip
- Las Vegas’ 3 Favorite Spots to Splurge on Watches
- A Century Of Neon – VIDEO
- 7 Best Things To Do On Spring Break In Las Vegas This 2020
- Coronavirus: Will It Make The Las Vegas Economy ‘Sick?’
- Allegiant Flooded with Flight Change Requests Amid Coronavirus Scare
- ‘Pawn Stars’ Chumlee Knew ‘Whipping Boy’ Role Could Work
- Downtown Las Vegas Desolate, Lonely, Mostly Lifeless
- Some Las Vegas Casinos Have To Make Rent During Shutdown, Too
- This Is What Las Vegas Looks Like When Coronavirus Empties The Gambling Mecca
- Apartments for Rent in Las Vegas: What will $1,700 get you?
- Can’t Make It To Las Vegas? Here Are Some Vegas-Based Movies To Remind You Why It’s Awesome
- 8 Reasons Why Living in Las Vegas is Awesome
Vegas Videos You’ll Enjoy
South Point Hotel Las Vegas – Prime Rib Dinner Buffet Review
(Producers Notes) The newly redone South Point buffet includes a prime rib night for $17.95.
Roaming the Palms Resort & Casino Las Vegas
(Producers Notes) – Today we go to Palms Casino and Resort just about a mile of the strip. It has been over 15 years since I’ve been inside that hotel. I had fun wandering around, especially when I found myself way up on the 52 floor on an outside outlook of the Strip and the Valley. There was a whole lot of construction while I was there but it seems to be wrapping up for some major updates.
“Pianist to the Presidents” David Osborne Discusses Career
Not long ago, we told our Supporting (Paid) Subscribers about catching pianist David Osborne on the days each week that he plays the lobby bar at Bellagio. Catch a preview.
The Last GREAT Party at The Hard Rock Hotel & Casino
(Producers Notes) The Hard Rock Hotel & Casino has closed. They will rebrand as The Virgin Hotel & Casino to be open in November 2020. Craig and I wanted to check out the Last Great Party the last weekend they were open.
VIP Grand Canyon Skywalk Tour via helicopter trip to and from the Skywalk. Stunning views! Expedited and exclusive arrangements available.

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Menopause The Musical Tickets
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Magic Reinvented Nightly Tickets
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Jimmy Kimmel’s Comedy Club Tickets
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April 5, 2020 ISSN: 1529-2770 About Us Privacy Policy
Physical Address: 3565 Las Vegas Blvd. South #411, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Access Vegas Insider Vibe March 26, 2020
Hello From Las Vegas – I hope this finds you as well as possible, and for the many of you staying at home (voluntarily or otherwise), that you are not going too stir-crazy.
After watching far too much incorrect internet rumors, I thought that I'd take a minute to inform you — our free newsletter subscribers, about some of the hard facts.
NOTE: This is of 10 PM Pacific on Thursday March 26, 2020. Because of the size of this mailing list, it takes hours and hours for this to send. Plus, the time it takes before you open it. If something major changes in the morning, I don't know about it at this writing. If I had that kind of ESP, I'd make a fortune betting sports!
So, lets get into the FACTS:
– A significant number of Las Vegas hotels are already taking reservations on dates ranging from April 17 to May 1.
– Over the years, around 1/3 of Las Vegas customers have been drive-ins (by car). Even if the air travel situation is dicey, Las Vegas will work to open as soon as permitted to cater to drive-in visitors.
– Much will depend on when President Trump decides to suggest the country is open for business. I say "suggest" because…
– At this time, Trump is continuing to let governors make that choice.
– Our Governor Sisolak seems to be very shut-down oriented. On the flip side, Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman and many out of work and without pay are lobbying harder for an early opening. However, it all rests with our governor.
– Is Las Vegas safe? Especially for someone who drives here in their own car sooner than later (greatly limiting exposure)? Let's crunch the numbers:
Nevada has a population of 3,034,392. We currently have 420 cases and 10 deaths. Let's get out the calculator:
Infection rate Rate: 0.000138
Death Rate: 0.000003
No… I can't count that small either. I had to figure out what something to the negative fifth power was on my calculator!
To put it in perspective, the infection rate is nearly identical to your odds of being DEALT a royal flush. I didn't say HITTING a royal. We're talking about pressing the button and you are handed one. Good luck with that one in your lifetime.
– April brings high 70's and 80's to Las Vegas. I've seen a number of medical experts note that this virus does NOT like hot, dry weather. In a very short amount of time here, Las Vegas (and Phoenix and the desert areas of California) may just be the most safe places you can be.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do not shoot the messenger. I'm a quoted analyst in Las Vegas travel matters because I crunch the facts and numbers, look at trends and patterns, and am known to be quite accurate.
IE, don't blame me for killing the earth. People are going to come to Las Vegas. My info is for those who will travel. That's what I do. If you are staying home until the worldwide infection rate is 0.00000, then please do so!!!
For now, we're in a 30 day shut-down of ALL gambling in Nevada, plus all non-essential businesses. I like to make lemons out of lemonade. Hence, we've instituted a "countdown" on both our Twitter Feed and our Free Facebook Feed.
(We have a special, Members Only Facebook Group for our Supporting (Paid) Subscribers. However, unlocking that is only for those who help support our paid staff and all the the extra help, savings, and tips we have for those who donate $2.90 per month — paid yearly — to help us keep the lights and keep us doing what we do).
Once per hour, we post a Las Vegas picture from our archive of many, many thousands of Las Vegas pictures. We're having fun covering a bit of everything. You can poke your head in and take a look, or go ahead and follow us if Twitter or Facebook are platforms you enjoy using!
Also, since we KNOW that Las Vegas will be back as soon as authorities deem it safe, we know that YOU will be back before long. We're already hearing from people planning trips for late Spring, Summer, and beyond!
Hence, we're going to extend our Supporting (Paid) Member discount. But… ONLY until the day it is announced that Las Vegas is going to open. 20% off of your 2020 membership, and you'll still get a full year. 365 days, not just until the end of this year. You can do that right now at www.Join.Vegas, or let me remind you of just a few highlights of our membership program:
* Twice-Monthly "members only" newsletter. Always chalked full of Las Vegas information you generally WON'T find spending hours searching the internet (I'm not joking when I said our team is full of paid experts). Not visiting for a while? All the better! You'll have a few months to absorb and take advantage of so much great info!
* 12 special, exclusive reports. These 12 reports are worth the modest admission price to unlock them. Everything from how to get more comps without gambling more money, to how to bust the line at a crowded restaurant here without forking over a tip to the gatekeeper.
* The MOST comprehensive list of food and beverage specials on The Strip, Downtown, and Near-Strip. We have one paid person dedicated to maintaining this list. No coupons needed, and you can access it on your phone during your trip, and it is sorted by LOCATION!!!
Our "Your Guy In Vegas" feature. Try and search the internet for the best this-or-that, and you'll get all kinds of fake reviews, spammy pages, and what-not. You ask us about something, tell us what you have in mind, and we can provide some REAL, EXPERT, PERSONAL advice.
There is more, but you get the idea. You can see everything at www.Join.Vegas, and then use the coupon code ACCESS2020 when you check out, knocking your monthly cost (paid yearly) to $2.32 a month. SERIOUSLY… how can you NOT take me up on that one!!!
And… just in case this lockdown lasts way longer than expected, we'll maintain our other current GUARANTEE:
IF you do not visit during the first 365 days of your membership — for any reason whatsoever, we'll give you another full year on-the-house. And, that is in addition to our normal 60-day money-back guarantee. Protected via your credit card company through our "Secure Site Certificate" check-out.
Really simple: Step 1, go to www.Join.Vegas. Step 2, scroll though the info, and click when you see one of the Make Me A Member buttons. (Or, if you are in a hurry and ready go to NOW, go directly to the Sign-Up Page). Step 3, enter ACCESS2020 at the top where it says Coupon Code. You are literally 30 seconds away from unlocking more valuable Las Vegas information than you've seen in one spot in some time.
PS The ACCESS2020 for 20% off coupon code comes down the day our governor sets the "back open for business" date. Which could be sooner than later. Delay at your own risk!
Ted Newkirk
Access Vegas Insider Vibe March 16, 2020
Update: Wynn/Encore has since announced they will close for two weeks. As noted in this issue, Supporting Members can reference our Private Facebook Group for breaking updates, or use your “Your Guy In Vegas” feature.
Note: This closure was announced on the heels of the shutdown of the schools, and I believe was influenced by that issue as much as anything.
Hello From Las Vegas – No exclamation point after the “Vegas” this week. I had a huge pile of “need to know” savings, latest tips (Vegas is always changing) and similar for our Supporting Members. However, this week, the “need to know” is one singular topic: The virus and Las Vegas.
So ya… if you haven’t pulled the trigger and become a Supporting Member yet because “you have the internet”, enjoy spending hours researching questionable information. Instead of info from our paid staff which has a combined many decades of being true Las Vegas insiders.
Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now – Las Vegas is not shut down. This weekend, plenty of people are enjoying casinos, walking The Strip, getting their pic taken in front of the Las Vegas sign. Don’t take my word for it. Look for yourself: Earthcam Las Vegas Cam. (Note: Remember time zones and such. If you go to look at 7 AM our time, don’t expect to see anybody out there!)
Buffets and selected restaurants have GENERALLY been closed. This isn’t the end of the world. In fact, many restaurants which are staying open are the kind on our comprehensive list of researched Las Vegas Food and Beverage Specials (sorted by South Strip, Mid-Strip, North Strip, Fremont, and other areas). Just a reminder that we put the phone number with the outlet for a reason! While my staff checks and updates this info at least monthly, call ahead. Restaurants sometimes do make abrupt changes and don’t notify us.
Our tap water was, is, and will be safe to drink. (Our water district assured us of this, and the reality is that their day-to-day J-O-B is to treat the water so it has no virus or pathogen or other matter in it which will make you ill!) In fact, not long ago, we reminded our Supporting Members how they can always get free water in a casino. And no, it does not involve gambling and having a waitress bring it to you, nor sticking your empty glass under the tap in the bathroom. Note: While that water is safe, bathroom tap water is often warm or hot. Not exactly what you want to gulp down on a hot Vegas day.
Shows are closed. With tours, it varies. The Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Red Rock, Zion, Death Valley, Valley of Fire, and all of the natural wonders in this area certainly are open. And, there is no shortage of CHEAP rental cars right now. This might be a fantastic time to plan a trip, use the serious money you save on hotel and airfare, and see all the “Not on Strip or Fremont” stuff you’ve always said you’d check out “one of these days”. Well, there is no time like the present!
By the way, a contributor and friend to what we do happens to be our area’s top tour guide. His name is Mark Anthony. He has some time on his hands due to the slowdown. While he does many 1-4 day bus tours around our region, he also regularly does private tours. Just you and your friends/spouse/group and him.
Whether it is three of you in a rental car, or a small van or bus, he’s your guy and you can probably get a good price on everything from top-to-bottom. No matter if checking out how awesome a private tour of anything from Fremont Street and historic downtown to Grand Canyon would be, click on over to The Vegas Tourist and hit him up!
ALSO, if you are planning to hit Hoover Dam, our exclusive Special Report 09 – How To Have The Best Time On Your Visit To Hoover Dam is a must.
Casinos are working as hard as they possibly can to provide a safe experience. Wiping down everything from slot machines to the front desk counters frequently. Casino chips are actually being WASHED! Seriously. Funny side note: 20 years ago, I used to low roller at the Gold Spike Casino downtown. (It is no longer a casino, but a bar aimed at Millennials). Their chips were FILTHY. One night, I came home with a bunch of them in my pocket, and actually tossed them in dishwasher. (By themselves!)
Speaking of, dealers are being mandated to wash up really good both right before and just after they have been dealing. AND, the hotels/casinos have made strict rules about employees staying home if they are not well.
Latest is that Wynn/Encore is shutting off every other slot machine to help people keep this “social distance” everyone is talking about. Speaking of…
Yes, MGM Resorts is laying off people by the truckload. No return date set. Health care coverage ending in a set amount of time. The whole nine yards. Wynn noted that they will pay full-time employees that otherwise are “laid off” until they return. As of this writing, no other casinos have made statements regarding such. So, if wanting to go to hotels where staffing is a concern, perhaps MGM Resorts properties might not be the best pick.
Obviously, whether you want to travel (or not) is a personal decision. I’m not a doctor. Although, a group of home health care professionals did decide to keep their convention dates about a week ago: Conventioneers say healthy habits keep them from fearing coronavirus
If you are sitting at home with 20 cases of water, prepared for the end of the world, no worries. I understand. Everyone is handling this differently. For you, I’d suggest staying home. You would be going around too worried to have fun. Someone sneezes due to allergies (it is very much “springtime” here, temps in the 60’sF most of the time) and you’ll be running away to keep from getting sick. I get it.
If you are someone who has checked with your doctor or nurses line regarding any current health issues, and if you feel that this is basically a flu and you should just wash often and go about your life, Las Vegas is a bargain like we have not seen in a long time. Check your comps. Check how few airline points they want to fly you here (or how low the fares are). If you can live without seeing a show or eating at a buffet, you’ll have a great time and have a fair amount of elbow room.
Yes, there are still resort fees. As discussed last issue, we’re been fighting against fees very strongly, including being vocal in the media. However, our Supporting Members can usually save more than a couple nights resort fees from the tips and help of the paid expert staff that membership dues support.
AND, because many people are re-evaluating travel plans, we’ve EXTENDED both our guarantee and 2020 coupon code for the time being:
1. IF you don’t visit during the next 12 months (a Supporting Membership is for one full year), we will comp you the following 12 months. And, twice monthly, you’ll be soaking up expert advice/tips for your next trip. Must know stuff!
2. The coupon code ACCESS2020 will STILL save you 20% off the full year membership. (At this point, your membership would be valid until March 2021).
Joining is easy at Members.AccessVegas.com Coupon code — once you’ve read enough of the info and see a Join button — is ACCESS2020
Also, I’ve just scratched the surface. I’m sure that many have questions specifically pertaining to future Vegas travel, trips people are thinking about (either right away or in a couple weeks or even a couple of months as this issue might be around for a while).
Don’t forget about your “Your Guy In Vegas” benefit. We promise to personally answer questions you have, go back and forth with you to really understand your needs, and make sure your next visit is as perfect as possible. (Supporting Members only, please. Our paid staff is only equipped to handle so many requests).
Hope you are enjoying this issue!
Ted Newkirk
Founder/Managing Editor
Picture yourself in a boat on a river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies. Somebody calls you; you answer quite slowly … and it’s Father McKenzie, writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear. There are plenty of people near, however, as he is in the midst of a tableau set to the tune of “Eleanor Rigby” during Cirque du Soleil’s The Beatles LOVE.
Cirque du Soleil The Beatles Love Tickets!
- Final Show Dates Announced for Christina Aguilera’s Las Vegas Residency – Click for Tickets
- Lady Gaga Sets ‘Stupid Love’ Release, Returns To Las Vegas In April
- Barry Manilow Thrills Fans At Westgate Las Vegas – Click for Tickets
- A Guide To 5 Of The Top Comedy Clubs In Las Vegas
- Sammy Hagar Plans Las Vegas ‘Party’ Residency
If there’s anything we love more than tacos it’s probably got to be hidden spots that only locals know about. If you need the inside scoop on a secret speakeasy in Las Vegas, you’ve come to the right place. The best part? You’ll need to go through a cave tunnel to find it.
Story Questions and Comments (Supporting Members Only)
- Here Are Las Vegas’ Top 4 Italian Spots
- Meet Chef, Owner Of 18bin, A Las Vegas Arts District Restaurant
- The 4 Best Spots To Score Desserts In Las Vegas
- 5 Dishes Las Vegas Fried Food Lovers Should Try
- 12 Restaurants That Serve A Weekday Brunch in Las Vegas
- Four New Restaurants To Try In Las Vegas Right Now
- Las Vegas’ 4 Top Bars (that won’t break the bank)
- Food Network TV Series To Determine Top Chef At New Vegas Restaurant
- In Las Vegas, The Home-Style Pizza Is An Everything Pie
- 20 Vegas Valley Pizzas To Try Right Now
When thinking of Nevada, Las Vegas is usually the city that immediately springs to mind. However, it could be time to think again, as the the Silver State has so much more to offer than the excesses of Sin City. While Vegas offers up plenty of glitz and glamour, head beyond the neon and you’ll find vast expanses of rocky desert that drift up to snowcapped mountains and alpine forests.
Story Questions and Comments (Supporting Members Only)
Vegas Videos You’ll Enjoy
Debbie Gibson – Girls Night Out Official Music Video
(Producers Notes) So excited for you to watch my official music video for “Girls Night Out” (Tracy Young #VegasVibe Remix)! Shot in Las Vegas.
Las Vegas Territory – Mesquite
Las Vegas Territory video on Mesquite, NV area and attractions. Just one hour north of Las Vegas (and, on the way to Zion National Park), Mesqite is growing in popularity with those who want a combination of “old Vegas” mixed with a more relaxed, smaller town atmosphere.
(Producers Notes) Walk with us and explore The Sahara Las Vegas.
New Details – Circa Resort and Casino
(Producers Notes) Circa owner, Derek Stevens, talks with Vegas Revealed about the new resort and casino opening in downtown Las Vegas in December of 2020. Construction is on schedule. Stevens details the resort features, including the massive outdoor pool area and theater that will be open 365 days a year.
VIP Grand Canyon Skywalk Tour via helicopter trip to and from the Skywalk. Stunning views! Expedited and exclusive arrangements available.

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The Righteous Brothers Tickets
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Sports are cancelled for now, but they will be back. Of interest was that the state of Michigan just made the necessary moves to offer sports betting.
Watch carefully over the next year or so as Derek Stevens (owner of The D, Golden Gate, Circa, and Circa Sports book) becomes the nationwide king of sports betting.
Even though he’s an avid sports bettor himself, it raised a few eyebrows when he decided to take his properties sports book business in-house. The “smaller players” in the hotel game, as well as a fair number of the big corporations, have companies like William Hill operate their sports books. Why? If nothing else, RISK.
Can a sports book win a million bucks on a weekend? Sure. But, if the “public” (majority of bettors) get on a certain side of certain games, and they are not able to “balance the books” with enough wagers on the other side, they can take a bath as well. Does it balance out in the long-run (if they are doing it right)? Yes. However, many of you in states just legalizing it are seeing your governments — who at first thought it would be a cash cow — realize profits on sports betting are comparatively low.
So what is Derek up to? Simple:
Year-over-year, he actually won’t make zillions of dollars off of this.
He’s going to get GAMBLERS to come to his properties.
Don’t be surprised if he has a “bad beat for the house” weekend and gets in front of as much media as possible and says “Ya… the bettors took us for almost $2 Million this weekend”.
Are you kidding me? That is old school. Why? Blackjack used to be “the” game to play because everyone thought is was beatable. Everybody wants to beat the house.
If Circa Sports becomes know as the brand that can be beaten (even if they do win the vast majority of weekends), players will gravitate to them.
This is no different than the huge money wagers Derek placed on Michigan State during March Madness. Who cares if he lost $350k (or whatever it was… right up around there). He got as much, if not more, back in publicity.
Plus, he’s doing Vegas right. Full-Pay blackjack even on the lower limit tables, good drink service, a 24/7 Coney Dog joint that won’t break the bank. Word is he may even be bringing back the world-famous Golden Gate Shrimp Cocktail at Circa when it opens! Although, we’ll forgive him if he can’t offer it at 99 cents, or even $1.99.
Still… I can almost taste that zesty, tangy cocktail sauce they make from the decades-old recipe, that he acquired when he bought Golden Gate!
Founder/Managing Editor
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March 16, 2020 ISSN: 1529-2770 About Us Privacy Policy
Physical Address: 3565 Las Vegas Blvd. South #411, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Access Vegas Insider Vibe February 29, 2020
Note: Normally, the column from AccessVegas.com Founder and 20+ year Las Vegas resident and visitor expert is only available to our subscribers who support our efforts. However, in light of possibly the biggest Las Vegas news in a decade, we’re giving our free email subscribers this section today.
Hello From Las Vegas! – Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. The biggest shake-up in a long, long time could be good for our visitors. Some of you have heard that MGM Resorts CEO Jim Murren is stepping down. For those not up to speed: He’s the guy who brought high resort fees, paid parking, and tons of other high prices and nickel-and-diming. Which ended up permeating most of the industry here.
For those new to the classroom, we generally don’t go way into the business side of Las Vegas here. Although, there have been calls for it in our Members Facebook Group. Hence, I am considering a time-to-time section at the bottom of our Members newsletter version for those interested. I’m constantly involved in talking the business side of Las Vegas with colleagues, industry people, and those in the media.
My involvement the past couple of years has aggressively centered on calling out MGM Resorts for these practices. I’ve frequently been speaking out in assorted articles about how fees were negatively affecting visitors, visitation rates, and simply leaving a bad taste in people’s mouths.
So… Ding, Dong… The Witch Is Dead! Let’s backtrack almost exactly two years, trace this amazing and fortunate downfall, talk about how and why it happened, and talk about what is next for Las Vegas!
On February 17, 2018, I wrote the following Op-Ed in the Review-Journal:
COMMENTARY: Some warning signs in Las Vegas tourism numbers
Let’s just say that suggesting the emperor has no clothes on isn’t popular. I got one very gruff phone message, and some of you may have noticed that we haven’t carried any MGM advertising nor promotions in a long, long time! (Except perhaps through a third party not associated with them). However, I really felt strongly about what they were doing to our visitors, the bad path they were taking, and was in a position to speak up.
While I can’t begin to take full credit for getting Murren out the door, what followed that op-ed was quarter-after-quarter of (usually) sub-par earnings calls. Jim Murren kept saying “wait until 2020, wait until 2020” and I was thinking “Yes, 2020 when everybody finally sees that your horrible treatment (financially) of your guests isn’t helping the business and you get shown the door.”
Disclaimer: Murren is resigning, but many feel that the company board of directors suggested that he do so.
In fact, many months ago, well back into 2019, I had specifically told anyone who will listen that Murren would be out the second half of 2020. (He’s taking his time stepping aside, and highly likely will within that window). People no longer think I’m nuts on that one!
I followed that “Warning Signs” article with a Letter To The Editor:
LETTER: No secret to the revival of downtown Las Vegas casinos
Here’s the crux of that letter:
As someone with more than two decades of Las Vegas tourism promotion, I can tell you what they are doing right: Lower limits, more favorable game rules, looser slots, free-flowing liquor comps, and more affordable food and beverage. They know they are going to get your money eventually. Not only isn’t it a sin to let you play longer, but even after you’ve lost that first $100 bill, you are more likely to pull out the next one because you got your entertainment value out of it.
The mantra of Strip casinos has been “people aren’t gambling as much, so we want to focus on other revenue sources.” The reality is that people aren’t gambling on the Strip as much in recent years because those casinos decided to choke the golden goose some time ago. Slots were tightened, limits were raised, house-favorable rules like lower-pay blackjack were instituted, and people simply lost their money more quickly.
Oh, and could downtown’s lower (or non-existent) resort fees, free guest parking and lower-priced dining (both fine and casual) be leaving people more money to gamble with? Food for thought.
I’ve been additionally quoted regarding the negatives of parking fees here, here, here, and here. Plus, articles such as South Point going strong with “old-school” playbook regarding casino operators who are doing it old-school (good odds, good rules, reasonably-priced food and beverage) and seeming to do just great!
We also started our Access Vegas Insider Vibe Membership program a number of years ago to help combat this. I can’t make the casinos stop charging you resort and parking fees. But, with the support of our members, I can hire help so we can research and stay on all the ways you can do Las Vegas like you always used to, and on the same budget you used to. It is not uncommon for our members to save 2-3 times (and even more) the $34.80 per year we ask you to support us with.
Honestly, you can’t NOT afford to “buy us a cup of coffee” per month (less than $3 per month) if you want to help us not only keep “sticking it” to those who are trying to bilk you on your visits, but provide you both deep and extensive ways to save on each visit that your zillion hours trying to search the internet simply aren’t going to uncover.
Seriously, ask an internet group a simple question like what the best Las Vegas steakhouse is. Try it. You are going to get 18 different answers, often from people who have only heard about a place, and none of which might be appropriate for what your celebration requires. And, don’t even get me started on the problems with possibly fake Yelp reviews. Our members? They ask us, we answer based on their wants, and we often publish that info to help all of our members!
Join Our Members Now, Get Back To The Vegas Budget You Loved
How can I be this confident in how we help our members? Because we have a 60-day money-back guarantee that (literally) virtually nobody ever takes us up on. In fact, it is the other way around: People regularly write and say “When is my subscription up? I want to make sure I’m resubscribed and don’t miss a thing!”
There is a whole lot more to this Murren story, his downfall, future changes, how I knew it was coming months before others did, and what it all means to you regarding what to watch out for future visits. When you choose to become a member, you can Be In The Know Before Your Next Visit and have instant access (to that, and everything else).
Hope you are enjoying this issue!
Ted Newkirk
Founder/Managing Editor
The hard-charging and endlessly fun “Raiding the Rock Vault” opened at its fourth home in nearly seven years in Las Vegas this month, exploding onto the stage at the 172 music club and restaurant near the Chippendales Theater at the Rio.
Raiding the Rock Vault Tickets!
Members: Read Ted’s Take on this story, and add your own comment or question for us
- 3 Keys To Aerosmith’s Blockbuster Success In Las Vegas – Click for Tickets
- Everything We Know About Kelly Clarkson’s Las Vegas Residency – Click for Tickets
- Scorpions Bringing ‘Sin City Nights’ Residency To Las Vegas Strip – Click for Tickets
- Keith Urban Adds 4 More Dates To Las Vegas Residency At Caesars Palace – Click for Tickets
- Santana Add Dates To Las Vegas Residency – Click for Tickets
- Pitbull Returns To Las Vegas In Residency April 22 – Click for Tickets
- Shania Twain Extending Her ‘Let’s Go!’ Las Vegas Residency – Click for Tickets
The Flamingo has a long history on the Strip dating back to the 1940s. Its new steakhouse will pay homage to that history.
Members: Read Ted’s Take on this story, and add your own comment or question for us
- O’Sheas, A Beloved Las Vegas Pub
Members: Read Ted’s Take on this story, and add your own comment or question for us
- Elevate Your Las Vegas Dining Experience At These Restaurants
Members: Read Ted’s Take on this story, and add your own comment or question for us
- Las Vegas Restaurant Among OpenTable’s Most Romantic Restaurants In America
Members: Read Ted’s Take on this story, and add your own comment or question for us
- Ellis Island Las Vegas Opens Front Yard Venue – Video
Members: Read Ted’s Take on this story, and add your own comment or question for us
- Restaurants Announced For New Circa Hotel-Casino In Downtown Las Vegas
- Wynn/Encore’s First Mexican Restaurant, Elio, To Open In March
Las Vegas is one of the fastest growing destinations in the country right now with new neighborhoods popping up nearly as fast as lawyer commercials on TV. Its residential evolution is influencing what’s possible for tourism, whether it’s the dining scene or attractions that are shifting away from casino culture.
Members: Read Ted’s Take on this story, and add your own comment or question for us
- Ahern Hotel Opens At Former Site Of Lucky Dragon Near Las Vegas Strip
Members: Read Ted’s Take on this story, and add your own comment or question for us
Lake Las Vegas isn’t exactly one of the most-iconic parts of visiting Las Vegas. In fact, you may not even know it exists. But if you get tired of the glitz and glamour of the Strip, then you should definitely consider visiting Lake Las Vegas.
Members: Read Ted’s Take on this story, and add your own comment or question for us
- Bryce Canyon Even More Magnificent In Wintertime
Members: Read Ted’s Take on this story, and add your own comment or question for us
- Two Hours From Las Vegas: You Can Visit Actual Salt Flats In California With Endless Desert Views
Members: Read Ted’s Take on this story, and add your own comment or question for us
- ‘Zero-Gravity’ Flights Coming To Las Vegas
Members: Read Ted’s Take on this story, and add your own comment or question for us
- Death Valley, Mysterious And Must Visit Desert In California – Book a Tour Now
- The Top Ten Things To Do In Vegas: A Guide For Tourists
It’s quickly becoming a cashless world and some Las Vegas casinos are starting to go that route, as well. Following approval last year by the Nevada Gaming Commision, the Reno-based company Automated Cash Systems Inc has partnered with several casinos to install ATMs at various table games.
- Slots Player Hits $5.4M Jackpot At Las Vegas Strip Casino
- Player Wins $240K Pai Gow Jackpot At North Las Vegas Casino
- Lucky Slots Player In Las Vegas Wins Over $400K On $1.25 Wager
- Las Vegas Resident Wins $100K On Video Poker At Orleans Hotel-Casino
- California Resident Wins Nearly $12k In Penny Slot Machine At McCarran Airport
Vegas Videos You’ll Enjoy
Shania Twain – Las Vegas Show – Let’s Go! Sneak Peek
Shania Twain Las Vegas Residency Show at Planet Hollywood Zappos Theater. Shania shares what she loves about her Las Vegas show, the songs, the fans, and the incredible theater.
Venetian Las Vegas – Grand Canal Shops – A Romantic Resort on the Strip
(Producers Notes) Today we explore the Venetian Resort on the Las Vegas Strip. This resort is massive! I feel in love with the Resort and I am pretty sure I saw only half of it.
(Producers Notes)Eating at the worst buffet in Las Vegas? The buffet at MGM GRAND LAS VEGAS.
Hiking to the Arizona Hot Springs In Las Vegas
(Producers Notes) We took a trip to the Arizona Hot Springs. Its a 6 mile round trip hike with an elevation change of 800 feet. The trail offers 3 routes and we tried 2 of the 3. The hot springs were too hot to enjoy, but we still enjoyed the hike. Pack tons of water and a sack lunch.
VIP Grand Canyon Skywalk Tour via helicopter trip to and from the Skywalk. Stunning views! Expedited and exclusive arrangements available.

WOW-The Vegas Spectacular Tickets
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Menopause The Musical Tickets
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Magic Reinvented Nightly Tickets
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Jimmy Kimmel’s Comedy Club Tickets
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The Righteous Brothers Tickets
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Celestia Tickets
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Drop us an email at AccessVegas@AccessVegas.com – We read them all!
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For comments or questions regarding our content or this newsletter write us at AccessVegas@AccessVegas.com.
February 29, 2020 ISSN: 1529-2770 About Us Privacy Policy
Physical Address: 3565 Las Vegas Blvd. South #411, Las Vegas, NV 89109
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